Open Access
Static and Dynamic Analyses of Spliced Column
Research Scholar, Civil Engineering Department, MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, 211004, India
* Corresponding Author: Deepak Kumar Singh. Email:
Sound & Vibration 2021, 55(3), 253-262.
Received 20 May 2020; Accepted 23 October 2020; Issue published 15 July 2021
The analysis of spliced column has been carried out to detect optimum location of providing splices in the column. In the present work, static and dynamic (free vibration) analyses of spliced column have been done by randomising the location of splicing. A symmetrical four storey steel framed building has been modelled, analysed and designed for loads (dead, live and earthquake loads) recommended by Indian Codal provisions using Staad.Pro. The critical column at each floor level is identified based on axial force (AF), bending moment (BM) and shear force (SF). The total 16 models of spliced columns have been designed and then modelled in a 3D CAD Design tool (SOLIDWORKS) and then imported in the finite element tool (ANSYS Workbench 14.0) for detailed analysis. The variation of stress, strain and deflection of the spliced column are shown in the form of contour. Further, the modal analysis is performed to determine the natural frequencies. The results of static and dynamic analyses are compared for each modelled spliced column to obtain the optimum location for providing splices in the column. The dynamic analysis of spliced column is of utmost importance in the region where dynamic loadings like earthquake, cyclones etc. are more frequent, and mere static analysis does not account for the safety of the structure. This study will help the engineers to select directly the optimum size and location of the splices in the column of a steel framed building.Keywords
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