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Improving the Morphological Parameters of Aluminum Foam for Maximum Sound Absorption Coefficient using Genetic Algorithm

Mohammad Javad Jafari1, Mohsen Niknam Sharak2, Ali Khavanin3, Touraj Ebadzadeh4, Mahmood Fazlali5, Rohollah Fallah Madvari6,*

1 Department of Occupational Health Engineering, School of Public Health and Safety, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 Mechanical engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran
3 Department of Occupational Health Engineering, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
4 Department of Ceramics, Materials and Energy Research Center, Alborz, Iran
5 Department of Computer Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
6 Student Research Committee, Department of Occupational Health Engineering, School of Public Health and Safety, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

* Corresponding Author: Rohollah Fallah Madvari. Email: email

Sound & Vibration 2021, 55(2), 117-130.


Fabricating of metal foams with desired morphological parameters including pore size, porosity and pore opening is possible now using sintering technology. Thus, if it is possible to determine the morphology of metal foam to absorb sound at a given frequency, and then fabricate it through sintering, it is expected to have optimized metal foams for the best sound absorption. Theoretical sound absorption models such as Lu model describe the relationship between morphological parameters and the sound absorption coefficient. In this study, the Lu model was used to optimize the morphological parameters of Aluminum metal foam for the best sound absorption coefficient. For this purpose, the Lu model was numerically solved using written codes in MATLAB software. After validating the proposed codes with benchmark data, the genetic algorithm (GA) was applied to optimize the affecting morphological parameters on the sound absorption coefficient. The optimization was carried out for the thicknesses of 5 mm to 40 mm at the sound frequency range of 250 Hz–8000 Hz. The optimized parameters ranged from 50% to 95% for porosity, 0.1 mm to 4.5 mm for pore size, and 0.07 mm to 0.6 mm for pore opening size. The result of this study was applied to fabricate the desired Aluminum metal foams for the best sound absorption. The novel approach applied in this study, is expected to be successfully applied in for best sound absorption in desired frequencies.


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APA Style
Jafari, M.J., Sharak, M.N., Khavanin, A., Ebadzadeh, T., Fazlali, M. et al. (2021). Improving the morphological parameters of aluminum foam for maximum sound absorption coefficient using genetic algorithm. Sound & Vibration, 55(2), 117–130.
Vancouver Style
Jafari MJ, Sharak MN, Khavanin A, Ebadzadeh T, Fazlali M, Madvari RF. Improving the morphological parameters of aluminum foam for maximum sound absorption coefficient using genetic algorithm. Sound Vib. 2021;55(2):117–130.
IEEE Style
M. J. Jafari, M. N. Sharak, A. Khavanin, T. Ebadzadeh, M. Fazlali, and R. F. Madvari, “Improving the Morphological Parameters of Aluminum Foam for Maximum Sound Absorption Coefficient using Genetic Algorithm,” Sound Vib., vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 117–130, 2021.

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