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Transverse Vibration and Stability Analysis of Circular Plate Subjected to Follower Force and Thermal Load

Yongqiang Yang1,2, Zhongmin Wang3,*

1 School of Mechanical and Precision Instrument Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, 710048, Xi’an, China.
2 College of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, 710021, Xi’an, China.
3 School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Xi’an University of Technology, 710048, Xi’an, China.
* Corresponding Author: Zhongmin Wang. Email:

Sound & Vibration 2019, 53(3), 51-64.


Transverse vibration and stability analysis of circular plate subjected to follower force and thermal load are analyzed . B ased on the thin plate theory in involving the variable temperature, the differential equation of transverse vibration for the axisymmetric circular plate subjected to follower force and thermal load is established. Then, the differential equation of vibration and corresponding boundary conditions are discretized by the differential quadrature method. Meanwhile, the generalized eigenvalue under three different boundary conditions are calculated. In this case, the change curve of the first order dimensionless complex frequency of the circular plate subjected to the follower force in the different conditions with the variable temperature coefficient and temperature load is analyzed. The stability and corresponding critical loads of the circular plate subjected to follower force and thermal load with simply supported edge, clamped edge and free edge are discussed. The results provide theoretical basis for improving the dynamic stability of the circular plate.


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APA Style
Yang, Y., Wang, Z. (2019). Transverse vibration and stability analysis of circular plate subjected to follower force and thermal load. Sound & Vibration, 53(3), 51–64.
Vancouver Style
Yang Y, Wang Z. Transverse vibration and stability analysis of circular plate subjected to follower force and thermal load. Sound Vib. 2019;53(3):51–64.
IEEE Style
Y. Yang and Z. Wang, “Transverse Vibration and Stability Analysis of Circular Plate Subjected to Follower Force and Thermal Load,” Sound Vib., vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 51–64, 2019.


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