Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Unconventional Reservoirs: The Role of Bedding Plane
Suling Wang1, Yang Li1, He Liu2, Minzheng Jiang1
Structural Longevity, Vol.8, No.3, pp. 173-191, 2012, DOI:10.3970/sl.2012.008.173
Abstract Hydraulic fracturing is a widely used technology in stimulation of unconventional reservoirs to obtain commercial production. Meanwhile, the bedding
plane between sandstone and mudstone is a key challenge in unconventional reservoirs especially. During hydraulic fracture propagation, any diversion or abrupt
change in hydraulic fracture path caused by bedding plane, leads to job failure.
In this paper, presents a numerical simulation method for a growth of hydraulic
fracture interacting with a geological discontinuity in bedding plane. A 3-D hydraulic fracture model has been developed that can consider the elastic-plastic rock
deformation coupled to fluid flow. The fracture… More >