Isogeometric Shape Optimal Design of Elastic Structures under Design-dependent Loads
Seonho Cho1, Seung-Hyun Ha, Bonyong Koo, Minho Yoon, Seung-Ho Ahn
Structural Longevity, Vol.6, No.3, pp. 109-114, 2011, DOI:10.3970/sl.2011.006.109
Abstract Using an isogeometric approach, a continuum-based shape optimization method is developed for elasticity problems. To obtain efficient and precise
adjoint shape sensitivity, precise normal and curvature information should be taken
into account in shape sensitivity expressions, especially for design-dependent problems. In this approach, the basis functions generated from NURBS are directly used
to construct a geometrically exact model in response and shape sensitivity analyses.
Refinements and design changes are easily implemented within the isogeometric
framework. The isogeometric design sensitivity analysis provides more accurate
sensitivity of complex geometries including higher order terms such as normal and More >