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FE Analysis of a Notched Cylinder under Multiaxial Cyclic Loading Using the Multilayer Model of Besseling

G. Savaidis1, N. Pitatzis1, A. Savaidis1, Ch. Zhang2

1 Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece
2 University of Siegen, Germany

Structural Durability & Health Monitoring 2008, 4(3), 145-160.


This paper presents an elastic-plastic finite element analysis of a circumferentially notched cylinder subjected to multiaxial non-proportional fatigue loading. Two different load combinations are investigated: (1) constant tension with cyclic torsion and (2) constant torsion with cyclic tension. The multilayer plasticity model of Besseling in conjunction with the von Mises yield criterion is applied to describe the elastic-plastic material behaviour. The parametrical study contains a coarse and a fine finite element mesh with and without mid-nodes as well as three different types of multilinear approximations of the material law, namely, a twenty-segments, a five-segments and a three-segments one. The comparison between the present numerical results and those from previous works obtained from Prager-Ziegler's bilinear material model shows an improved accuracy of the numerical modelling. By using the numerical results, the basic relations between the applied loads and the local stress-strain responses at the notch-root are analyzed.


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APA Style
Savaidis, G., Pitatzis, N., Savaidis, A., Zhang, C. (2008). FE analysis of a notched cylinder under multiaxial cyclic loading using the multilayer model of besseling. Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, 4(3), 145–160.
Vancouver Style
Savaidis G, Pitatzis N, Savaidis A, Zhang C. FE analysis of a notched cylinder under multiaxial cyclic loading using the multilayer model of besseling. Structural Durability Health Monit. 2008;4(3):145–160.
IEEE Style
G. Savaidis, N. Pitatzis, A. Savaidis, and C. Zhang, “FE Analysis of a Notched Cylinder under Multiaxial Cyclic Loading Using the Multilayer Model of Besseling,” Structural Durability Health Monit., vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 145–160, 2008.

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