M. Antony Joans Kumar1,*, C. Christopher Columbus2, E. Ben George3, T. Ajith Bosco Raj4
Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.44, No.2, pp. 1735-1747, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.025906
- 15 June 2022
Abstract The sensitive data stored in the public cloud by privileged users, such as corporate companies and government agencies are highly vulnerable in the hands of cloud providers and hackers. The proposed Virtual Cloud Storage Architecture is primarily concerned with data integrity and confidentiality, as well as availability. To provide confidentiality and availability, the file to be stored in cloud storage should be encrypted using an auto-generated key and then encoded into distinct chunks. Hashing the encoded chunks ensured the file integrity, and a newly proposed Circular Shift Chunk Allocation technique was used to determine the… More >