Dandan Peng, Le Sun*
Journal of Quantum Computing, Vol.2, No.4, pp. 171-179, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jqc.2020.015402
- 07 January 2021
Abstract The purpose of this work aims is to automatically build top-k (the
number of suggested results) light weight service based systems (LitSBSs) on the
basis of user-given keywords. Compared with our previous work, we use a score
(oscore) to evaluate the keyword matching degree and QoS performance of a
service so that we could find top-k LitSBSs with both high keyword matching
degree and great QoS performance at the same time. In addition, to guarantee the
quality of found top-k LitSBSs and improve the time efficiency, we redesign the
database-driven algorithm (LitDB). We add the More >