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    Study on Temperature Distribution and Smoke Spreading Behavior of Different Fire Source Locations in the Underwater W-Shaped Island-Crossing Tunnel

    Zhisheng Xu1, Juan Wang1, Zihan Yu1, Jiaming Zhao2,*

    Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.22, No.4, pp. 1129-1151, 2024, DOI:10.32604/fhmt.2024.053695

    Abstract Called island-crossing tunnels, some specific underwater tunneling projects face constraints imposed by geological and water conditions, necessitating their passage through artificial or natural islands. The longitudinal of the tunnel follows a W-shaped distribution. The congestion situation does not allow for immediate longitudinal smoke exhaust at the early stage of the fire, and the natural spread of smoke is complicated. An exhaustive investigation was carried out to analyze the smoke behaviors during a fire incident, employing the fire dynamics software FDS, considering five slopes and four fire locations. The simulation results reveal that the layer of… More >

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