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    Morphometric Attributes of Two Native Forage Species According to Water Source Distance in Semiarid Central Grasslands of Argentina

    Carla Etel Suárez1,*, María Sol Rossini1,3, Ernesto Francisco Atilio Morici1, Héctor Daniel Esterlich1,2

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.93, No.8, pp. 2063-2074, 2024, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2024.053193

    Abstract The semiarid grasslands of Argentina’s central region have been modified by domestic livestock grazing, both in their composition and structure. The increase in the proportion of woody and non-forage species and the decrease in forage species are some of the most evident results of this process. There is limited available information about the effect of differential grazing pressures on morphometric attributes of native species, and it also depends on the life histories of the species in this grassland. The objective of this work was to evaluate some morphometric aspects in the grasses Poa ligularis Nees ex… More >

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