Dezheng Zhang1,2, Qi Jia1,2, Shibing Yang1,2, Xinliang Han2, Cong Xu3, Xin Liu1,4, Yonghong Xie1,2,*
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.71, No.1, pp. 159-170, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.017295
- 03 November 2021
Abstract Syndrome differentiation is the core diagnosis method of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). We propose a method that simulates syndrome differentiation through deductive reasoning on a knowledge graph to achieve automated diagnosis in TCM. We analyze the reasoning path patterns from symptom to syndromes on the knowledge graph. There are two kinds of path patterns in the knowledge graph: one-hop and two-hop. The one-hop path pattern maps the symptom to syndromes immediately. The two-hop path pattern maps the symptom to syndromes through the nature of disease, etiology, and pathomechanism to support the diagnostic reasoning. Considering the… More >