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  • Open Access


    The Influence of CO Cured Manganese Slag on the Performance and Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High Performance Concrete

    Ligai Bai, Guihua Yang*

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.20, No.8, pp. 1717-1730, 2024, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2024.051506

    Abstract The presence of toxic elements in manganese slag (MSG) poses a threat to the environment due to potential pollution. Utilizing CO curing on MS offers a promising approach to immobilize toxic substances within this material, thereby mitigating their release into the natural surroundings. This study investigates the impact of CO cured MS on various rheological parameters, including slump flow, plastic viscosity (η), and yield shear stress (τ). Additionally, it assesses flexural and compressive strengths (f and f), drying shrinkage rates (DSR), durability indicators (chloride ion migration coefficient (CMC), carbonization depth (CD)), and the leaching behavior of heavy… More >

  • Open Access


    Associations between Mental Health Outcomes and Adverse Childhood Experiences and Character Strengths among University Students in Southern China

    Yulan Yu1,2, Rassamee Chotipanvithayakul3, Hujiao Kuang4, Wit Wichaidit3,*, Chonghua Wan1,2,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.25, No.12, pp. 1343-1351, 2023, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2023.043446

    Abstract Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can negatively affect mental health, whereas character strengths seem to be positively correlated with mental health. Detailed information on the history of ACEs among university students in China and the extent which mental health is associated with ACEs and character strengths can contribute to the needed empirical evidence for relevant stakeholders. Objectives of this study are 1) to estimate the prevalence of ACEs among undergraduate students in Southern China; and 2) to assess the extent which mental health outcomes (positive growth, well-being, and depression) are associated with ACEs and character strengths… More >

  • Open Access


    Deep Learning-Based Swot Analysis in Construction and Demolition Waste Management

    R. Rema*, N. Nalanth

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.36, No.2, pp. 1497-1506, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.032540

    Abstract Researchers worldwide have employed a varied array of sources to calculate the successful management of Construction and Demolition (C&DW). Limited research has been undertaken in the domain of Construction and Demolition Waste Management (C&DWM) and consequently leaving a large gap in the availability of effective management techniques. Due to the limited time available for building removal and materials collection, preparing for building materials reuse at the end of life is frequently a challenging task. In this research work Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short-Term Memory (CNN-LSTM) is proposed to predict the number of waste materials that are More >

  • Open Access


    Early-Age Properties Development of Recycled Glass Powder Blended Cement Paste: Strengths, Shrinkage, Nanoscale Characteristics, and Environmental Analysis

    Zhihai He1,2, Menglu Shen1, Jinyan Shi3,*, Jingyu Chang1, Víctor Revilla-Cuesta4, Osman Gencel5

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.11, No.4, pp. 1835-1852, 2023, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2023.024887

    Abstract Recycling solid waste in cement-based materials cannot only ease its load on the natural environment but also reduce the carbon emissions of building materials. This study aims to investigate the effect of recycled glass powder (RGP) on the early-age mechanical properties and autogenous shrinkage of cement pastes, where cement is replaced by 10%, 20% and 30% of RGP. In addition, the microstructure and nano-mechanical properties of cement paste with different RGP content and water to binder (W/B) ratio were also evaluated using SEM, MIP and nanoindentation techniques. The results indicate that the early-age autogenous shrinkage… More > Graphic Abstract

    Early-Age Properties Development of Recycled Glass Powder Blended Cement Paste: Strengths, Shrinkage, Nanoscale Characteristics, and Environmental Analysis

  • Open Access


    Determinants of Positive Mental Health in Adolescents–A Cross-Sectional Study on Relationships between Positive Mental Health, Self-Esteem, Character Strengths and Social Inclusion

    Hanna Ahrnberg1,*, Kaija Appelqvist-Schmidlechner2, Pekka Mustonen1, Sari Fröjd3, Katja Aktan-Collan1

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.23, No.3, pp. 361-374, 2021, DOI:10.32604/IJMHP.2021.016408

    Abstract Adolescence is a crucial time period with especial vulnerability for development of mental health problems. Growing interest is focusing on the determinants of positive mental health in order to find the key concepts that could be influenced in the promotion of mental well-being of adolescents. In this study we aim to explore the relations between self-esteem, character strengths and experience of social inclusion as determinants of adolescents’ positive mental health controlled for selected sociodemographic background factors. The study population (n = 195) consisted of comprehensive school students who filled in an electronic questionnaire of adolescent’s… More >

  • Open Access


    Risk the Change or Change the Risk? The Nonlinear Effect of Job Insecurity on Task Performance

    Shuhong Wang1, Yipeng Tang1,*, Crystal Zhang2, Wenyue Pan1,*, Huan Liu1, Sheng Huang1

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.21, No.2, pp. 45-57, 2019, DOI:10.32604/IJMHP.2019.010744

    Abstract Job insecurity has been recognized for its negative effect on employee performance. Nevertheless, this study argues that, under the threat of job insecurity, employees may also be likely to seek to reduce the threat by proactively crafting their tasks and improving performance. Drawing from the perspective of Vroom’s expectancy theory, it is proposed that, only when job security is at moderate level will employees expect it as possible to make such a change to respond to the situation. Accordingly, a curvilinear mediated model is developed that links job insecurity and task performance indirectly through task… More >

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