Slim Ben Chaabane1,2,*, Rafika Harrabi1,2, Anas Bushnag1, Hassene Seddik2
Journal on Artificial Intelligence, Vol.4, No.4, pp. 201-214, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jai.2022.032850
- 25 May 2023
Abstract Biometrics represents the technology for measuring the characteristics of the human body. Biometric authentication currently allows for secure, easy, and fast access by recognizing a person based on facial, voice, and fingerprint traits. Iris authentication is one of the essential biometric methods for identifying a person. This authentication type has become popular in research and practical applications. Unlike the face and hands, the iris is an internal organ, protected and therefore less likely to be damaged. However, the number of helpful information collected from the iris is much greater than the other biometric human organs.… More >