Rufus Gikera1,*, Jonathan Mwaura2, Elizaphan Muuro3, Shadrack Mambo3
Journal on Artificial Intelligence, Vol.5, pp. 75-112, 2023, DOI:10.32604/jai.2023.043229
- 26 October 2023
Abstract k-means is a popular clustering algorithm because of its simplicity and scalability to handle large datasets. However, one of its setbacks is the challenge of identifying the correct k-hyperparameter value. Tuning this value correctly is critical for building effective k-means models. The use of the traditional elbow method to help identify this value has a long-standing literature. However, when using this method with certain datasets, smooth curves may appear, making it challenging to identify the k-value due to its unclear nature. On the other hand, various internal validation indexes, which are proposed as a solution to this… More >