Wenxia Zhou1, Mengyi Li1, Lu Xin2,*, Jinqiang Zhu3
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.20, No.2, pp. 41-54, 2018, DOI:10.32604/IJMHP.2018.010737
Abstract Based on basic psychological needs theory of self-determination theory,
this study investigates the interaction effect of proactive personality and career
exploration on well-being for graduating students during school-to-work transition.
Using a survey sample of 216 graduating students in China, we found that: 1)
Proactive personality had a positive relationship with well-being. 2) Career
decision-making self-efficacy mediated the relationship between proactive
personality and well-being. 3) Career exploration negatively moderated the
relationship between proactive personality and career decision-making selfefficacy. The relationship between proactive personality and career decisionmaking self-efficacy was stronger when career exploration was lower. 4) Career More >