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  • Open Access


    Short-Term Wind Power Forecast Based on STL-IAOA-iTransformer Algorithm: A Case Study in Northwest China

    Zhaowei Yang1, Bo Yang2,*, Wenqi Liu1, Miwei Li2, Jiarong Wang2, Lin Jiang3, Yiyan Sang4, Zhenning Pan5

    Energy Engineering, Vol.122, No.2, pp. 405-430, 2025, DOI:10.32604/ee.2025.059515 - 31 January 2025

    Abstract Accurate short-term wind power forecast technique plays a crucial role in maintaining the safety and economic efficiency of smart grids. Although numerous studies have employed various methods to forecast wind power, there remains a research gap in leveraging swarm intelligence algorithms to optimize the hyperparameters of the Transformer model for wind power prediction. To improve the accuracy of short-term wind power forecast, this paper proposes a hybrid short-term wind power forecast approach named STL-IAOA-iTransformer, which is based on seasonal and trend decomposition using LOESS (STL) and iTransformer model optimized by improved arithmetic optimization algorithm (IAOA).… More >

  • Open Access


    A Novel Hybrid Ensemble Learning Approach for Enhancing Accuracy and Sustainability in Wind Power Forecasting

    Farhan Ullah1, Xuexia Zhang1,*, Mansoor Khan2, Muhammad Abid3,*, Abdullah Mohamed4

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.79, No.2, pp. 3373-3395, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.048656 - 15 May 2024

    Abstract Accurate wind power forecasting is critical for system integration and stability as renewable energy reliance grows. Traditional approaches frequently struggle with complex data and non-linear connections. This article presents a novel approach for hybrid ensemble learning that is based on rigorous requirements engineering concepts. The approach finds significant parameters influencing forecasting accuracy by evaluating real-time Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA2) data from several European Wind farms using in-depth stakeholder research and requirements elicitation. Ensemble learning is used to develop a robust model, while a temporal convolutional network handles time-series complexities and data… More >

  • Open Access


    Weather-Driven Solar Power Forecasting Using D-Informer: Enhancing Predictions with Climate Variables

    Chenglian Ma1, Rui Han1, Zhao An2,*, Tianyu Hu2, Meizhu Jin2

    Energy Engineering, Vol.121, No.5, pp. 1245-1261, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ee.2024.046644 - 30 April 2024

    Abstract Precise forecasting of solar power is crucial for the development of sustainable energy systems. Contemporary forecasting approaches often fail to adequately consider the crucial role of weather factors in photovoltaic (PV) power generation and encounter issues such as gradient explosion or disappearance when dealing with extensive time-series data. To overcome these challenges, this research presents a cutting-edge, multi-stage forecasting method called D-Informer. This method skillfully merges the differential transformation algorithm with the Informer model, leveraging a detailed array of meteorological variables and historical PV power generation records. The D-Informer model exhibits remarkable superiority over competing… More > Graphic Abstract

    Weather-Driven Solar Power Forecasting Using D-Informer: Enhancing Predictions with Climate Variables

  • Open Access


    A Survey of the Researches on Grid-Connected Solar Power Generation Systems and Power Forecasting Methods Based on Ground-Based Cloud Atlas

    Xing Deng1,2, Feipeng Da1,*, Haijian Shao2, Xia Wang3

    Energy Engineering, Vol.120, No.2, pp. 385-408, 2023, DOI:10.32604/ee.2023.023480 - 29 November 2022

    Abstract Photovoltaic power generating is one of the primary methods of utilizing solar energy resources, with large-scale photovoltaic grid-connected power generation being the most efficient way to fully utilize solar energy. In order to provide reference strategies for pertinent researchers as well as potential implementation, this paper tries to provide a survey investigation and technical analysis of machine learning-related approaches, statistical approaches and optimization techniques for solar power generation and forecasting. Deep learning-related methods, in particular, can theoretically handle arbitrary nonlinear transformations through proper model structural design, such as hidden layer topology optimization and objective function More > Graphic Abstract

    A Survey of the Researches on Grid-Connected Solar Power Generation Systems and Power Forecasting Methods Based on Ground-Based Cloud Atlas

  • Open Access


    Key Optimization Issues for Renewable Energy Systems under Carbon-Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Targets: Current States and Perspectives

    Bo Yang1, Zhengxun Guo1, Jingbo Wang1,*, Chao Duan2, Yaxing Ren3, Yixuan Chen4

    Energy Engineering, Vol.119, No.5, pp. 1789-1795, 2022, DOI:10.32604/ee.2022.022217 - 21 July 2022

    Abstract This article has no abstract. More >

  • Open Access


    The Hidden-Layers Topology Analysis of Deep Learning Models in Survey for Forecasting and Generation of the Wind Power and Photovoltaic Energy

    Dandan Xu1, Haijian Shao1,*, Xing Deng1,2, Xia Wang3

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.131, No.2, pp. 567-597, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2022.019245 - 14 March 2022

    Abstract As wind and photovoltaic energy become more prevalent, the optimization of power systems is becoming increasingly crucial. The current state of research in renewable generation and power forecasting technology, such as wind and photovoltaic power (PV), is described in this paper, with a focus on the ensemble sequential LSTMs approach with optimized hidden-layers topology for short-term multivariable wind power forecasting. The methods for forecasting wind power and PV production. The physical model, statistical learning method, and machine learning approaches based on historical data are all evaluated for the forecasting of wind power and PV production. More >

  • Open Access


    Fuzzy Based MPPT and Solar Power Forecasting Using Artificial Intelligence

    G. Geethamahalakshmi1,*, N. Kalaiarasi2, D. Nageswari1

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.32, No.3, pp. 1667-1685, 2022, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.022728 - 09 December 2021

    Abstract Solar energy is the radiant heat and light energy harvested by ultra violet rays to convert into electrical Direct Current (DC). The solar energy stood ahead of other renewable energy as it can produce a constant level of alternating current over the year with minimal harmonic distortions. The renewable energy attracts the energy harvesters as there is rise of deficiency of carbon and reduction of efficiency in thermal energy generation. The concerns associated with the solar power generation are the fluctuation in the generated direct current due to the displacement of sun and deviation in… More >

  • Open Access


    Inferential Statistics and Machine Learning Models for Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting

    Ming Zhang, Hongbo Li, Xing Deng*

    Energy Engineering, Vol.119, No.1, pp. 237-252, 2022, DOI:10.32604/EE.2022.017916 - 22 November 2021

    Abstract The inherent randomness, intermittence and volatility of wind power generation compromise the quality of the wind power system, resulting in uncertainty in the system's optimal scheduling. As a result, it's critical to improve power quality and assure real-time power grid scheduling and grid-connected wind farm operation. Inferred statistics are utilized in this research to infer general features based on the selected information, confirming that there are differences between two forecasting categories: Forecast Category 1 (0–11 h ahead) and Forecast Category 2 (12–23 h ahead). In z-tests, the null hypothesis provides the corresponding quantitative findings. To More >

  • Open Access


    Deep Learning Approach with Optimizatized Hidden-Layers Topology for Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting

    Xing Deng1,2, Haijian Shao1,2,*

    Energy Engineering, Vol.117, No.5, pp. 279-287, 2020, DOI:10.32604/EE.2020.011619 - 07 September 2020

    Abstract Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) as one of the representative deep learning methods, has restricted its generalization ability because of its indigestion hidden-layer information presentation. In order to properly handle of hidden-layer information, directly reduce the risk of over-fitting caused by too many neuron nodes, as well as realize the goal of streamlining the number of hidden layer neurons, and then improve the generalization ability of RNNs, the hidden-layer information of RNNs is precisely analyzed by using the unsupervised clustering methods, such as Kmeans, Kmeans++ and Iterative self-organizing data analysis (Isodata), to divide the similarity of More >

  • Open Access


    Wind Power Forecasting Methods Based on Deep Learning: A Survey

    Xing Deng1, 2, Haijian Shao1, *, Chunlong Hu1, Dengbiao Jiang1, Yingtao Jiang3

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.122, No.1, pp. 273-301, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2020.08768 - 01 January 2020

    Abstract Accurate wind power forecasting in wind farm can effectively reduce the enormous impact on grid operation safety when high permeability intermittent power supply is connected to the power grid. Aiming to provide reference strategies for relevant researchers as well as practical applications, this paper attempts to provide the literature investigation and methods analysis of deep learning, enforcement learning and transfer learning in wind speed and wind power forecasting modeling. Usually, wind speed and wind power forecasting around a wind farm requires the calculation of the next moment of the definite state, which is usually achieved… More >

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