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    Promoting Post-Traumatic Growth in Colorectal Cancer Patients: Exploring the Role of Social Support through a Chain Mediation Model

    Xia Sun1,#, Qin Li1,#, Yang Li2, Wenjun Yan3, Shuai Gong1, Wenjing Yan2,*

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.18, No.3, pp. 233-240, 2024, DOI:10.32604/po.2024.048087

    Abstract Colorectal cancer (CRC) poses significant physical and psychological challenges that necessitate an exploration of factors influencing post-traumatic growth (PTG) for patient well-being. This study aims to investigate the effects of positive psychological capital (PsyCap) and perceived stress on mediating the social support-PTG relation among 673 CRC patients. Social support, positive PsyCap, perceived stress, and PTG were assessed through questionnaires. The results indicated a direct prediction effect of social support on PTG (LICI = 0.481, ULCI = 0.644), with the direct effect being 59.5%. Both positive PsyCap and perceived stress exerted a mediating role in the… More >

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