Argüello JA1, SB Núñez1, V Davidenco1, DA Suárez2, L Seisdedos1, MC Baigorria1, N La Porta1, G Ruiz1, V Yossen1
Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.81, pp. 23-34, 2012, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2012.81.023
Abstract The aim of the present review was to analyze and identify the problems associated with the Production System and Chain Value of Oregano in the area of Traslasierra Valley, province of Córdoba. Traditional ecotypes, such as Criollo, Chileno II and Compacto, are cultivated in the region, as well as new ecotypes such as “Serrano Cordobés”, “Flor Rosa” and “Rosa Fuerte”. The Traslasierra Valley of Córdoba is a very suitable area for the production and for increasing the production of oregano. However, the agricultural management of the different oregano ecotypes should be optimized. Ecophysiological studies conducted… More >