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    Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Surface Quality of Wood from Bosnia and Herzegovina Exposed to Outdoor Conditions

    Redžo Hasanagić1,*, Umejr Šljivo1, Leila Fathi2, Pallavi Gautam3, Mohsen Bahmani2,*, Miha Humar4

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.12, No.8, pp. 1417-1431, 2024, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2024.052826

    Abstract This study investigated the mechanical properties of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and fir (Abies alba) wood from Bosnia and Herzegovina under outdoor exposure. Samples were exposed for 3-month exposure to assess bending strength, color changes, and surface quality. Results showed outdoor exposure negatively affected mechanical properties, particularly in samples with extended finger joints, causing significant surface cracks in uncoated samples. Beech wood exhibited notable color changes under exposure, with approximately 50% darkening without coating compared to 25% under covered conditions. Coated samples displayed minimal color changes, affirming the efficacy of surface treatment. Fir wood exhibited a roughness More > Graphic Abstract

    Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Surface Quality of Wood from Bosnia and Herzegovina Exposed to Outdoor Conditions

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