Zhifang Liao1, Fangying Fu1, Yiqi Zhao1, Sui Tan2,3,*, Zhiwu Yu2,3, Yan Zhang4
Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.47, No.1, pp. 431-452, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.038087
- 26 May 2023
Abstract With the rapid development of Open-Source (OS), more and more software projects are maintained and developed in the form of OS. These Open-Source projects depend on and influence each other, gradually forming a huge OS project network, namely an Open-Source Software ECOsystem (OSSECO). Unfortunately, not all OS projects in the open-source ecosystem can be healthy and stable in the long term, and more projects will go from active to inactive and gradually die. In a tightly connected ecosystem, the death of one project can potentially cause the collapse of the entire ecosystem network. How can… More >