Baran Hekimoğlu*
Energy Engineering, Vol.120, No.7, pp. 1515-1540, 2023, DOI:10.32604/ee.2023.029024
- 04 May 2023
Abstract Two novel improved variants of reptile search algorithm (RSA), RSA with opposition-based learning (ORSA) and hybrid ORSA with pattern search (ORSAPS), are proposed to determine the proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) controller parameters of an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) system using a novel objective function with augmented flexibility. In the proposed algorithms, the opposition-based learning technique improves the global search abilities of the original RSA algorithm, while the hybridization with the pattern search (PS) algorithm improves the local search abilities. Both algorithms are compared with the original RSA algorithm and have shown to be highly… More >
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