C. Sivamani1, M. Rajeswari2, E. Golden Julie3, Y. Harold Robinson4, Vimal Shanmuganathan5, Seifedine Kadry6, Yunyoung Nam7,*
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.27, No.1, pp. 1-13, 2021, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2021.013705
- 07 January 2021
Abstract Road accident is a potential risk to the lives of both drivers and passers-by. Many road accidents occur due to the improper condition of the vehicle tyres after long term usage. Thus, tyres need to be inspected and analyzed while manufacturing to avoid serious road problems. However, tyre wear is a multifaceted happening. It normally needs the non-linearly on many limitations, like tyre formation and plan, vehicle category, conditions of the road. Yet, tyre wear has numerous profitable and environmental inferences particularly due to maintenance costs and traffic safety implications. Thus, the risk to calculate… More >