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    The role of mitochondria in inflammatory syndromes

    Virginia VANASCO, Timoteo MARCHINI, Natalia MAGNANI, Tamara VICO, Mariana GARCES, Lourdes CACERES, Alejandro GUAGLIANONE, Pablo EVELSON, Silvia ALVAREZ.*

    BIOCELL, Vol.40, No.1, pp. 47-50, 2016, DOI:10.32604/biocell.2016.40.047

    Abstract Several authors have addressed the importance of mitochondrial function in inflammatory syndromes, as it may play a role in the genesis of tissue injury. Sepsis and exposition to environmental particles are examples of inflammatory conditions. Sepsis occurs with an exacerbated inflammatory response that damages tissue mitochondria and impairs bioenergetic processes. One of the current hypotheses for the molecular mechanisms underlying the complex condition of sepsis is that enhanced NO production and oxidative stress lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, bioenergetic derangement and organ failure. The mechanism of particulate matter-health effects are believed to involve inflammation and oxidative More >

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