Gregory Reimonn1, Taofeng Lu1, Neeti Gandhi2, Wan-Ting Chen1,*
Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.7, No.12, pp. 1251-1268, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2019.08055
Abstract Microplastic pollution represents a side-effect stemming from a global
plastic waste mismanagement problem and includes degraded particles or mass
produced plastic particles less than 5 mm in largest dimension. The small nature
of microplastics gives this area of pollution different environmental concerns than
general plastic waste in the environment. The biological toxicity of particles, their
internal components, and their surface level changes all present opportunities for
these particles to adversely affect the environment around them. Thus, it is
necessary to review the current literature surrounding this topic and identify areas
where the study of microplastic More >