Vin Cent Tai1,*, Yong Chai Tan1, Nor Faiza Abd Rahman1, Yaw Yoong Sia2, Chan Chin Wang2, Lip Huat Saw3
Energy Engineering, Vol.118, No.4, pp. 1057-1068, 2021, DOI:10.32604/EE.2021.014866
- 31 May 2021
Abstract Aircraft engine design is a complicated process, as it involves huge number of components. The design process begins with parametric cycle analysis. It is crucial to determine the optimum values of the cycle parameters that would give a robust design in the early phase of engine development, to shorten the design cycle for cost saving and man-hour reduction. To obtain a robust solution, optimisation program is often being executed more than once, especially in Reliability Based Design Optimisations (RBDO) with Monte-Carlo Simulation (MCS) scheme for complex systems which require thousands to millions of optimisation loops… More >