Haiming Mai1, Bosun Xie1,2,*, Jianliang Jiang1, Dan Rao1, Yang Liu1
Sound & Vibration, Vol.53, No.3, pp. 97-109, 2019, DOI:10.32604/sv.2019.04275
Abstract Ambisonics is a series of flexible spatial sound reproduction systems based on spatial harmonics decomposition of sound field. Traditional horizontal and spatial Ambisonics reconstruct horizontal and spatial sound field with certain
order of spatial harmonics, respectively. Both the Shannon-Nyquist spatial sampling frequency limit for accurately reconstructing sound field and the complexity of system increase with the increasing order of Ambisonics. Based on
the fact that the horizontal localization resolution of human hearing is higher than vertical resolution, mixed-order Ambisonics (MOA) reconstructs horizontal sound field with higher order spatial harmonics, while reconstructs vertical sound field with… More >