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Search Results (41)
  • Open Access


    Analysis of Progressively Type-II Inverted Generalized Gamma Censored Data and Its Engineering Application

    Refah Alotaibi1, Sanku Dey2, Ahmed Elshahhat3,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.141, No.1, pp. 459-489, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2024.053255

    Abstract A novel inverted generalized gamma (IGG) distribution, proposed for data modelling with an upside-down bathtub hazard rate, is considered. In many real-world practical situations, when a researcher wants to conduct a comparative study of the life testing of items based on cost and duration of testing, censoring strategies are frequently used. From this point of view, in the presence of censored data compiled from the most well-known progressively Type-II censoring technique, this study examines different parameters of the IGG distribution. From a classical point of view, the likelihood and product of spacing estimation methods are… More >

  • Open Access


    Evaluations of Chris-Jerry Data Using Generalized Progressive Hybrid Strategy and Its Engineering Applications

    Refah Alotaibi1, Hoda Rezk2, Ahmed Elshahhat3,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.140, No.3, pp. 3073-3103, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2024.050606

    Abstract A new one-parameter Chris-Jerry distribution, created by mixing exponential and gamma distributions, is discussed in this article in the presence of incomplete lifetime data. We examine a novel generalized progressively hybrid censoring technique that ensures the experiment ends at a predefined period when the model of the test participants has a Chris-Jerry (CJ) distribution. When the indicated censored data is present, Bayes and likelihood estimations are used to explore the CJ parameter and reliability indices, including the hazard rate and reliability functions. We acquire the estimated asymptotic and credible confidence intervals of each unknown quantity. More >

  • Open Access


    Bayesian and Non-Bayesian Analysis for the Sine Generalized Linear Exponential Model under Progressively Censored Data

    Naif Alotaibi1, A. S. Al-Moisheer2, Ibrahim Elbatal1, Mohammed Elgarhy3,4, Ehab M. Almetwally1,5,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.140, No.3, pp. 2795-2823, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2024.049188

    Abstract This article introduces a novel variant of the generalized linear exponential (GLE) distribution, known as the sine generalized linear exponential (SGLE) distribution. The SGLE distribution utilizes the sine transformation to enhance its capabilities. The updated distribution is very adaptable and may be efficiently used in the modeling of survival data and dependability issues. The suggested model incorporates a hazard rate function (HRF) that may display a rising, J-shaped, or bathtub form, depending on its unique characteristics. This model includes many well-known lifespan distributions as separate sub-models. The suggested model is accompanied with a range of More >

  • Open Access


    The Lambert-G Family: Properties, Inference, and Applications

    Jamal N. Al Abbasi1, Ahmed Z. Afify2,*, Badr Alnssyan3,*, Mustafa S. Shama4,5

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.140, No.1, pp. 513-536, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2024.046533

    Abstract This study proposes a new flexible family of distributions called the Lambert-G family. The Lambert family is very flexible and exhibits desirable properties. Its three-parameter special sub-models provide all significant monotonic and non-monotonic failure rates. A special sub-model of the Lambert family called the Lambert-Lomax (LL) distribution is investigated. General expressions for the LL statistical properties are established. Characterizations of the LL distribution are addressed mathematically based on its hazard function. The estimation of the LL parameters is discussed using six estimation methods. The performance of this estimation method is explored through simulation experiments. The More >

  • Open Access


    Reliability Analysis of HEE Parameters via Progressive Type-II Censoring with Applications

    Heba S. Mohammed1, Mazen Nassar2,3, Refah Alotaibi1, Ahmed Elshahhat4,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.137, No.3, pp. 2761-2793, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.028826

    Abstract A new extended exponential lifetime model called Harris extended-exponential (HEE) distribution for data modelling with increasing and decreasing hazard rate shapes has been considered. In the reliability context, researchers prefer to use censoring plans to collect data in order to achieve a compromise between total test time and/or test sample size. So, this study considers both maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimates of the Harris extended-exponential distribution parameters and some of its reliability indices using a progressive Type-II censoring strategy. Under the premise of independent gamma priors, the Bayesian estimation is created using the squared-error and… More >

  • Open Access


    On a New Version of Weibull Model: Statistical Properties, Parameter Estimation and Applications

    Hassan Okasha1,2, Mazen Nassar1,3,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.137, No.3, pp. 2219-2241, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.028783

    Abstract In this paper, we introduce a new four-parameter version of the traditional Weibull distribution. It is able to provide seven shapes of hazard rate, including constant, decreasing, increasing, unimodal, bathtub, unimodal then bathtub, and bathtub then unimodal shapes. Some basic characteristics of the proposed model are studied, including moments, entropies, mean deviations and order statistics, and its parameters are estimated using the maximum likelihood approach. Based on the asymptotic properties of the estimators, the approximate confidence intervals are also taken into consideration in addition to the point estimators. We examine the effectiveness of the maximum More >

  • Open Access


    On a Novel Extended Lomax Distribution with Asymmetric Properties and Its Statistical Applications

    Aisha Fayomi1, Christophe Chesneau2,*, Farrukh Jamal3, Ali Algarni1

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.136, No.3, pp. 2371-2403, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.027000

    Abstract In this article, we highlight a new three-parameter heavy-tailed lifetime distribution that aims to extend the modeling possibilities of the Lomax distribution. It is called the extended Lomax distribution. The considered distribution naturally appears as the distribution of a transformation of a random variable following the logweighted power distribution recently introduced for percentage or proportion data analysis purposes. As a result, its cumulative distribution has the same functional basis as that of the Lomax distribution, but with a novel special logarithmic term depending on several parameters. The modulation of this logarithmic term reveals new types… More >

  • Open Access


    A Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Method Using Belief-Based Probabilistic Linguistic Term Sets and Its Application in Emergency Decision-Making

    Runze Liu, Liguo Fei*, Jianing Mi

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.136, No.2, pp. 2039-2067, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.024927

    Abstract Probabilistic linguistic term sets (PLTSs) are an effective tool for expressing subjective human cognition that offer advantages in the field of multi-attribute decision-making (MADM). However, studies have found that PLTSs have lost their ability to accurately capture the views of decision-makers (DMs) in certain circumstances, such as when the DM hesitates between multiple linguistic terms or the decision information is incomplete, thus affecting their role in the decision-making process. Belief function theory is a leading stream of thought in uncertainty processing that is suitable for dealing with the limitations of PLTS. Therefore, the purpose of… More > Graphic Abstract

    A Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Method Using Belief-Based Probabilistic Linguistic Term Sets and Its Application in Emergency Decision-Making

  • Open Access


    A Novel Modified Alpha Power Transformed Weibull Distribution and Its Engineering Applications

    Refah Alotaibi1, Hassan Okasha2,3, Mazen Nassar2,4, Ahmed Elshahhat5,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.135, No.3, pp. 2065-2089, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.023408

    Abstract This paper suggests a new modified version of the traditional Weibull distribution by adding a new shape parameter utilising the modified alpha power transformed technique. We refer to the new model as modified alpha power transformed Weibull distribution. The attractiveness and significance of the new distribution lie in its power to model monotone and non-monotone failure rate functions, which are quite familiar in environmental investigations. Its hazard rate function can be decreasing, increasing, bathtub and upside-down then bathtub shaped. Diverse structural properties of the proposed model are acquired including quantile function, moments, entropies, order statistics, More >

  • Open Access


    Developing a Secure Framework Using Feature Selection and Attack Detection Technique

    Mahima Dahiya*, Nitin Nitin

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.74, No.2, pp. 4183-4201, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.032430

    Abstract Intrusion detection is critical to guaranteeing the safety of the data in the network. Even though, since Internet commerce has grown at a breakneck pace, network traffic kinds are rising daily, and network behavior characteristics are becoming increasingly complicated, posing significant hurdles to intrusion detection. The challenges in terms of false positives, false negatives, low detection accuracy, high running time, adversarial attacks, uncertain attacks, etc. lead to insecure Intrusion Detection System (IDS). To offset the existing challenge, the work has developed a secure Data Mining Intrusion detection system (DataMIDS) framework using Functional Perturbation (FP) feature… More >

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