Zihai Geng1,2,*, Jinsheng Cai1, Yubiao Jiang1,2, Weiguo Zhang1,2
FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.17, No.5, pp. 899-915, 2021, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2021.012108
- 05 July 2021
Abstract Reducing drag during take-off and nominal (cruise) conditions is a problem of fundamental importance in aeronautical engineering. Existing studies have demonstrated that v-shaped symmetrical riblets can effectively be used for turbulence control, with those with dimensionless depth h+ = 15 and dimensionless width s+ = 15 having the best drag reduction effect. In the present study, experimental tests have been conducted considering two models of the same size, one with smooth surface, the other with v-shaped riblets of the h+ = 15 and s+ = 15 type. The results show that for an angle of attack in More >