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Search Results (7)
  • Open Access


    Maximizing Influence in Temporal Social Networks: A Node Feature-Aware Voting Algorithm

    Wenlong Zhu1,2,*, Yu Miao1, Shuangshuang Yang3, Zuozheng Lian1,2, Lianhe Cui1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.77, No.3, pp. 3095-3117, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.045646

    Abstract Influence Maximization (IM) aims to select a seed set of size k in a social network so that information can be spread most widely under a specific information propagation model through this set of nodes. However, most existing studies on the IM problem focus on static social network features, while neglecting the features of temporal social networks. To bridge this gap, we focus on node features reflected by their historical interaction behavior in temporal social networks, i.e., interaction attributes and self-similarity, and incorporate them into the influence maximization algorithm and information propagation model. Firstly, we propose… More >

  • Open Access


    A Positive Influence Maximization Algorithm in Signed Social Networks

    Wenlong Zhu1,2,*, Yang Huang1, Shuangshuang Yang3, Yu Miao1, Chongyuan Peng1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.76, No.2, pp. 1977-1994, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.040998

    Abstract The influence maximization (IM) problem aims to find a set of seed nodes that maximizes the spread of their influence in a social network. The positive influence maximization (PIM) problem is an extension of the IM problem, which consider the polar relation of nodes in signed social networks so that the positive influence of seeds can be the most widely spread. To solve the PIM problem, this paper proposes the polar and decay related independent cascade (IC-PD) model to simulate the influence propagation of nodes and the decay of information during the influence propagation in… More >

  • Open Access


    An Influence Maximization Algorithm Based on Improved K-Shell in Temporal Social Networks

    Wenlong Zhu1,*, Yu Miao1, Shuangshuang Yang2, Zuozheng Lian1, Lianhe Cui1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.75, No.2, pp. 3111-3131, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.036159

    Abstract Influence maximization of temporal social networks (IMT) is a problem that aims to find the most influential set of nodes in the temporal network so that their information can be the most widely spread. To solve the IMT problem, we propose an influence maximization algorithm based on an improved K-shell method, namely improved K-shell in temporal social networks (KT). The algorithm takes into account the global and local structures of temporal social networks. First, to obtain the kernel value Ks of each node, in the global scope, it layers the network according to the temporal characteristic… More >

  • Open Access


    DeepWalk Based Influence Maximization (DWIM): Influence Maximization Using Deep Learning

    Sonia1, Kapil Sharma1,*, Monika Bajaj2

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.35, No.1, pp. 1087-1101, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.026134

    Abstract Big Data and artificial intelligence are used to transform businesses. Social networking sites have given a new dimension to online data. Social media platforms help gather massive amounts of data to reach a wide variety of customers using influence maximization technique for innovative ideas, products and services. This paper aims to develop a deep learning method that can identify the influential users in a network. This method combines the various aspects of a user into a single graph. In a social network, the most influential user is the most trusted user. These significant users are… More >

  • Open Access


    Influence Diffusion Model in Multiplex Networks

    Senbo Chen1, 3, *, Wenan Tan1, 2

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.64, No.1, pp. 345-358, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.09807

    Abstract The problem of influence maximizing in social networks refers to obtaining a set of nodes of a specified size under a specific propagation model so that the aggregation of the node-set in the network has the greatest influence. Up to now, most of the research has tended to focus on monolayer network rather than on multiplex networks. But in the real world, most individuals usually exist in multiplex networks. Multiplex networks are substantially different as compared with those of a monolayer network. In this paper, we integrate the multi-relationship of agents in multiplex networks by… More >

  • Open Access


    An Influence Maximization Algorithm Based on the Influence Propagation Range of Nodes

    Yong Hua1,Bolun Chen1,2,∗,Yan Yuan1, Guochang Zhu1, Fenfen Li1

    Journal on Internet of Things, Vol.1, No.2, pp. 77-88, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jiot.2019.05941

    Abstract The problem of influence maximization in the social network G is to find k seed nodes with the maximum influence. The seed set S has a wider range of influence in the social network G than other same-size node sets. The influence of a node is usually established by using the IC model (Independent Cascade model) with a considerable amount of Monte Carlo simulations used to approximate the influence of the node. In addition, an approximate effect (1-1/e) is obtained, when the number of Monte Carlo simulations is 10000 and the probability of propagation is More >

  • Open Access


    An Influence Maximization Algorithm Based on the Mixed Importance of Nodes

    Yong Hua1, Bolun Chen1,2,*, Yan Yuan1, Guochang Zhu1, Jialin Ma1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.59, No.2, pp. 517-531, 2019, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2019.05278

    Abstract The influence maximization is the problem of finding k seed nodes that maximize the scope of influence in a social network. Therefore, the comprehensive influence of node needs to be considered, when we choose the most influential node set consisted of k seed nodes. On account of the traditional methods used to measure the influence of nodes, such as degree centrality, betweenness centrality and closeness centrality, consider only a single aspect of the influence of node, so the influence measured by traditional methods mentioned above of node is not accurate. In this paper, we obtain the More >

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