Yanping Chen1,2,3, Xuyang Bai1,2,3,*, Xiaomin Jin1,2,3, Zhongmin Wang1,2,3, Fengwei Wang4, Li Ling4
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.75, No.1, pp. 2101-2117, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.035530
- 06 February 2023
Abstract Deploying task caching at edge servers has become an effective way to handle compute-intensive and latency-sensitive tasks on the industrial internet. However, how to select the task scheduling location to reduce task delay and cost while ensuring the data security and reliable communication of edge computing remains a challenge. To solve this problem, this paper establishes a task scheduling model with joint blockchain and task caching in the industrial internet and designs a novel blockchain-assisted caching mechanism to enhance system security. In this paper, the task scheduling problem, which couples the task scheduling decision, task… More >