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    Study of the Influence of the Distance between Smoke Outlets and Fire Source on Smoke Flow Characteristics in Tunnel Fires

    Liang Yi, Zhiqiang Lei, Zhisheng Xu, Yaolong Yin, Houlin Ying*

    Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.22, No.4, pp. 977-996, 2024, DOI:10.32604/fhmt.2024.053688

    Abstract This paper explores the smoke flow characteristics in tunnel fires, giving a particular emphasis on the effects of different distances between the smoke outlets and the fire source. It examines the smoke behavior under different conditions, including variations in heat release rates, exhaust volumetric flow rates, spacing between smoke outlets, and the longitudinal fire source positions. Results indicate that altering the fire source positions and the smoke outlets in the tunnel leads to variations in the properties of smoke flow both the fire source upstream and downstream; the distance between fire source and smoke outlet… More > Graphic Abstract

    Study of the Influence of the Distance between Smoke Outlets and Fire Source on Smoke Flow Characteristics in Tunnel Fires

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