Martias1, Dewi Fatria2, Adha Fatmah Siregar2, Raden Heru Praptana3,*, Antonius Kasno3, Muhammad Prama Yufdy4, Riska4, Ni Luh Putu Indriyani4, Affandi4, Tri Budiyanti4, Sri Hadiati4, Ellina Mansyah4, Irwan Muas4, Jumjunidang4, Mizu Istianto4, Djoko Mulyono4, Intan Gilang Cempaka4, Triyani Dewi4, Agus Supriyo3, Bambang Nuryanto3
Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.93, No.11, pp. 2767-2786, 2024, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2024.055686
- 30 November 2024
Abstract West Sumatera is one of the largest mangosteen production centers in Indonesia. After the 2019 harvest season, there were variations in fruit production and quality which indicated symptoms of zinc (Zn) deficiency. This study evaluates the status of Zn for increasing the production and quality of mangosteen fruit Ratu Kamang cv. The study was conducting using the observation method in Lima Puluh Kota, West Sumatera from January to December 2020. This study used ten mangosteen trees aged 23 years in three locations selected purposively. Parameters observed included soil properties, leaf nutrients, number of fruits; fruit,… More >