Huiyu Long1, Yan Ma1, Xiang Mao1, Xinyuerong Sun2,*
Journal on Big Data, Vol.2, No.2, pp. 63-70, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jbd.2020.011214
- 18 September 2020
Abstract Under the background of big data, Informatization plays an important
role in the development of the engineering cost industry. The rapid development
of the industry and the increasing complexity of construction projects require
higher standards of informatization. The current information processing methods
and models have been difficultly to meet new requirements. Based on this, this
study deeply analyzes the key factors that impede the informatization of
engineering cost development, and tries to find corresponding solutions through
theoretical analysis and empirical research to break these constraints. This will
play a guiding role in the development of More >