Tadashi Kasuya1,*, A. Toshimitsu Yokobori Jr2, Nobuyuki Ishikawa3, Manabu Enoki1, Satoshi Minamoto4
The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.22, No.2, pp. 120-120, 2019, DOI:10.32604/icces.2019.05227
Abstract Weld cold cracking is categorized as hydrogen cracking. To assess cold cracking susceptibility of steel HAZ (heat affected zone), it is necessary to estimate local hydrogen content and residual stress at a weld root that are in general numerically calculated by FEM and/or FDM. To conduct numerical calculations, physical and mechanical properties such as diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in steel are necessary. In this work, we have developed empirical formulae to calculate HAZ hardness, hydrogen diffusion coefficient and tensile properties. The present empirical formula of HAZ hardness is expressed using chemical compositions of a welded… More >