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Search Results (3)
  • Open Access


    The Effects of Turbulence Intensity and Tip Speed Ratio on the Coherent Structure of Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine Wake: A Wind Tunnel Experiment

    Yuxia Han1,2, Jianwen Wang1,2,*, Xin Li3, Xueqing Dong1,2, Caifeng Wen1,2

    Energy Engineering, Vol.119, No.6, pp. 2297-2317, 2022, DOI:10.32604/ee.2022.020858 - 14 September 2022

    Abstract The evolution laws of the large-eddy coherent structure of the wind turbine wake have been evaluated via wind tunnel experiments under uniform and turbulent inflow conditions. The spatial correlation coefficients, the turbulence integral scales and power spectrum are obtained at different tip speed ratios (TSRs) based on the time-resolved particle image velocity (TR-PIV) technique. The results indicate that the large-eddy coherent structures are more likely to dissipate with an increase in turbulence intensity and TSR. Furthermore, the spatial correlation of the longitudinal pulsation velocity is greater than its axial counterpart, resulting into a wake turbulence… More >

  • Open Access



    Pankaj Sahaa, Gautam Biswasa,b,*

    Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.2, No.3, pp. 1-5, 2011, DOI:10.5098/hmt.v2.3.3008

    Abstract Detailed flow structure in turbulent flows through a rectangular channel containing built-in winglet type vortex generators have been analyzed by means of solutions of the full Navier-Stokes equations using a Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) technique. The Reynolds number of investigation is 6000. The geometry of interest consists of a rectangular channel with a built-in winglet pair on the bottom wall with common-flow-down arrangement. The winglet pair induces streamwise longitudinal vortices behind it. The vortices swirl the flow around the axis parallel to the mainstream direction and disrupt the growth of thermal boundary layer entailing enhancement of… More >

  • Open Access


    An Efficient Petrov-Galerkin Chebyshev Spectral Method Coupled with the Taylor-series Expansion Method of Moments for Solving the Coherent Structures Effect on Particle Coagulation in the Exhaust Pipe

    Chan T.L.1,2, Xie M.L.1,3, Cheung C.S.1

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.51, No.3, pp. 191-212, 2009, DOI:10.3970/cmes.2009.051.191

    Abstract An efficient Petrov-Galerkin Chebyshev spectral method coupled with the Taylor-series expansion method of moments (TEMOM) was developed to simulate the effect of coherent structures on particle coagulation in the exhaust pipe. The Petrov-Galerkin Chebyshev spectral method was presented in detail focusing on the analyticity of solenoidal vector field used for the approximation of the flow. It satisfies the pole condition exactly at the origin, and can be used to expand the vector functions efficiently by using the solenoidal condition. This developed TEMOM method has no prior requirement for the particle size distribution (PSD). It is… More >

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