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    Chase, Pounce, and Escape Optimization Algorithm

    Adel Sabry Eesa*

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.39, No.4, pp. 697-723, 2024, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2024.053192

    Abstract While many metaheuristic optimization algorithms strive to address optimization challenges, they often grapple with the delicate balance between exploration and exploitation, leading to issues such as premature convergence, sensitivity to parameter settings, and difficulty in maintaining population diversity. In response to these challenges, this study introduces the Chase, Pounce, and Escape (CPE) algorithm, drawing inspiration from predator-prey dynamics. Unlike traditional optimization approaches, the CPE algorithm divides the population into two groups, each independently exploring the search space to efficiently navigate complex problem domains and avoid local optima. By incorporating a unique search mechanism that integrates More >

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