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Search Results (2)
  • Open Access


    Multivariate Aggregated NOMA for Resource Aware Wireless Network Communication Security

    V. Sridhar1, K.V. Ranga Rao2, Saddam Hussain3,*, Syed Sajid Ullah4, Roobaea Alroobaea5, Maha Abdelhaq6, Raed Alsaqour7

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.74, No.1, pp. 1693-1708, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.028129

    Abstract Nonorthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) is incorporated into the wireless network systems to achieve better connectivity, spectral and energy effectiveness, higher data transfer rate, and also obtain the high quality of services (QoS). In order to improve throughput and minimum latency, a Multivariate Renkonen Regressive Weighted Preference Bootstrap Aggregation based Nonorthogonal Multiple Access (MRRWPBA-NOMA) technique is introduced for network communication. In the downlink transmission, each mobile device's resources and their characteristics like energy, bandwidth, and trust are measured. Followed by, the Weighted Preference Bootstrap Aggregation is applied to recognize the resource-efficient mobile devices for aware data More >

  • Open Access


    AntiFlamPred: An Anti-Inflammatory Peptide Predictor for Drug Selection Strategies

    Fahad Alotaibi1, Muhammad Attique2,3, Yaser Daanial Khan2,*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.69, No.1, pp. 1039-1055, 2021, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2021.017297

    Abstract Several autoimmune ailments and inflammation-related diseases emphasize the need for peptide-based therapeutics for their treatment and established substantial consideration. Though, the wet-lab experiments for the investigation of anti-inflammatory proteins/peptides (“AIP”) are usually very costly and remain time-consuming. Therefore, before wet-lab investigations, it is essential to develop in-silico identification models to classify prospective anti-inflammatory candidates for the facilitation of the drug development process. Several anti-inflammatory prediction tools have been proposed in the recent past, yet, there is a space to induce enhancement in prediction performance in terms of precision and efficiency. An exceedingly accurate anti-inflammatory prediction… More >

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