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    AntiFlamPred: An Anti-Inflammatory Peptide Predictor for Drug Selection Strategies

    Fahad Alotaibi1, Muhammad Attique2,3, Yaser Daanial Khan2,*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.69, No.1, pp. 1039-1055, 2021, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2021.017297

    Abstract Several autoimmune ailments and inflammation-related diseases emphasize the need for peptide-based therapeutics for their treatment and established substantial consideration. Though, the wet-lab experiments for the investigation of anti-inflammatory proteins/peptides (“AIP”) are usually very costly and remain time-consuming. Therefore, before wet-lab investigations, it is essential to develop in-silico identification models to classify prospective anti-inflammatory candidates for the facilitation of the drug development process. Several anti-inflammatory prediction tools have been proposed in the recent past, yet, there is a space to induce enhancement in prediction performance in terms of precision and efficiency. An exceedingly accurate anti-inflammatory prediction… More >

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