Zhiheng Luo1, Lin Chen2, Nan Wang1, Bin Li1,*
The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.25, No.4, pp. 1-1, 2023, DOI:10.32604/icces.2022.08813
Abstract Anisotropy is inherent in many materials, either because of the manufacturing process, or due to their
microstructure, and can markedly influence the failure behavior. Anisotropic materials obviously possess
both anisotropic elasticity and anisotropic fracture surface energy. Phase-field methods are elegant and
mathematically well-grounded, and have become popular for simulating isotropic and anisotropic brittle
fracture. Here, we developed a variational phase-field model for strongly anisotropic fracture, which
accounts for the anisotropy both in elastic strain energy and in fracture surface energy, and the asymmetric
behavior of cracks in traction and in compression. We implement numerically our… More >