Ali Mirarab1,∗, Seyedeh Leili Mirtaheri2,†, Seyed Amir Asghari3,‡
Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.35, No.2, pp. 69-79, 2020, DOI:10.32604/csse.2020.35.069
Abstract Value creation is a major factor not only in the sustainability of organizations but also in the maximization of profit, customer retention, business goals
fulfillment, and revenue. When the value is intended to be created from Big Data scenarios, value creation entails being understood over a broader range
of complexity. A question that arises here is how organizations can use this massive quantity of data and create business value? The present study seeks to
provide a model for creating organizational value using Big Data Analytics (BDA). To this end, after reviewing the related literature and… More >