Ayad S. Abedalh*, Sohaib Hassan Mohammed
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.21, pp. 227-243, 2023, DOI:10.32604/fhmt.2023.041777
- 30 November 2023
Abstract Solar energy, a renewable resource, can be harnessed instead of fossil fuels to generate power and heat. One
effective method for converting solar energy into heat is through a solar air heating (SAH) system. The theoretical
investigation focused on the thermal performance of various V-groove angles on a corrugated absorber plate. The
researchers maintained the exterior dimensions and constraints of the absorber plate while increasing its surface
area by using a corrugated absorber surface. For the simulation, three different V-groove angles were employed: 45°,
30°, and 15°. The temperature and air flow rate into the… More >
Graphic Abstract