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    SNG-TE: Sports News Generation with Text-Editing Model

    Qiang Xu*, Wei Zhang, Hui Ding, Shengwei Ji

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.1, pp. 1067-1080, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.037599

    Abstract Currently, the amount of sports news is increasing, given the number of sports available. As a result, manually writing sports news requires high labor costs to achieve the intended efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the automatic generation of sports news. Most available news generation methods mainly rely on real-time commentary sentences, which have the following limitations: (1) unable to select suitable commentary sentences for news generation, and (2) the generated sports news could not accurately describe game events. Therefore, this study proposes a sports news generation with text-editing model (SNG-TE) is proposed to… More >

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