Qianhao Ye1, Mingjie Li1, Jingyuan Hao1, Zibo Huang1, Jinjia Wei1,*
The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.25, No.4, pp. 1-1, 2023, DOI:10.32604/icces.2023.08826
Abstract The macroscopic tar-rich coal in-situ pyrolysis (TCISP) multi-physics simulation is conducted, in the
fractured porous zone, by coupling heat transfer, fluid flow, and chemical reaction. A novel TCISP pattern of
gas injection between fractured zones is proposed, by treating the fractured porous zone as a homogeneous
porosity gradient descending region. In this case, nearly 11500 kg of oil can be produced within 6 months
from a 10*10*1 m3 area. The influence of the fractured zone and porosity are investigated. Results indicated
that gas injection between fractured zones is more conducive to rapid production, compared with More >