Chuiju You1, Dongjie Zhu2,*, Yundong Sun2, Anshan Ye3, Gangshan Wu4, Ning Cao1, Jinming Qiu1, Helen Min Zhou5
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.61, No.3, pp. 1271-1283, 2019, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2019.06133
Abstract With the rapid development of social network, public opinion monitoring based on social networks is becoming more and more important. Many platforms have achieved some success in public opinion monitoring. However, these platforms cannot perform well in scalability, fault tolerance, and real-time performance. In this paper, we propose a novel social-network-oriented public opinion monitoring platform based on ElasticSearch (SNES). Firstly, SNES integrates the module of distributed crawler cluster, which provides real-time social media data access. Secondly, SNES integrates ElasticSearch which can store and retrieve massive unstructured data in near real time. Finally, we design subscription More >