Baoqiang Zhang1,2, Ling Xiang3,4,*
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.25, No.7, pp. 863-871, 2023, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2023.027303
- 01 June 2023
Abstract Social media has become increasingly popular and is now a significant tool for daily communication for many people. The use of
social media can cause anxiety and have detrimental impacts on mental health. Cognitive impairment is more likely to affect
individuals with anxiety. Investigating the cognitive abilities and mental health of social media users requires the development
of new methodologies. This study employed the AX-Continuous Performance Test (AX-CPT) paradigm and the Stroop
paradigm to study the cognitive control characteristics of trait anxiety, drawing on psychological experimental methods.
Previous studies on whether trait anxiety impairs cognitive… More >