Yogesh K. Murugesan1, Damiano Pasini2, Alejandro D. Rey1,*
Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.3, No.1, pp. 56-72, 2015, DOI:10.7569/JRM.2014.634124
Abstract This review on self-assembly in biological fi brous composites presents theory and simulation to elucidate the
principles and mechanisms that govern the thermodynamics, material science, and rheology of biological
anisotropic soft matter that are involved in the growth/self-assembly/material processing of these materials.
Plant cell wall, a multi-layered biological fi brous composite, is presented as a model biological system to
investigate self-assembly mechanisms in nature’s material synthesis. In order to demonstrate the universality
of the presented models and the mechanisms investigated, references to other biological/ biomimetic systems
are made when applicable. The integration of soft matter More >