Jian Wang1, Tao Zhang1,*, Bonan Jin1, Shaoen Wu2
Journal of Cyber Security, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-10, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jcs.2019.05818
Abstract This paper presents a novel SINS/IUSBL integration navigation strategy for underwater vehicles. Based on the principle of inverted USBL (IUSBL), a SINS/IUSBL integration navigation system is established, where the USBL device and the SINS are both rigidly mounted onboard the underwater vehicle, and fully developed in-house, the integration navigation system will be able to provide the absolute position of the underwater vehicle with a transponder deployed at a known position beforehand. Furthermore, the state error equation and the measurement equation of SINS/IUSBL integration navigation system are derived, the difference between the position calculated by SINS More >