L. Ezhilarasi1,*, A.P. Shanthi2, V. Uma Maheswari1
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.26, No.3, pp. 465-478, 2020, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2020.013923
Abstract Development of new Artificial Intelligence related data analy sis methodologies w ith rev olutionary
information technology has made a radical change in prediction, forecasting, and decision making for
real-w orld data. The challenge arises w hen the real w orld dataset consisting of v oluminous data is
uncertain. The rough set is a mathematical formalism that has emerged significantly for uncertain
datasets. It represents the know ledge of the datasets as decision rules. It does not need any metadata.
The rules are used to predict or classify unseen ex amples. The objectiv e of this… More >