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Search Results (3)
  • Open Access


    Optimal Decision-Making of Trans-Provincial Electricity Market Subjects with Risks under Renewable Portfolio Standards

    Hui Wang, Yishu Chen*, Zichao Wu, Haocheng Xu

    Energy Engineering, Vol.119, No.3, pp. 1141-1167, 2022, DOI:10.32604/ee.2022.016151 - 31 March 2022


    The randomness and uncertainty of renewable energy generation are expected to significantly change the optimal decision-making of trans-provincial electricity market subjects. Therefore, it is beneficial to optimize the interests of each of these subjects, considering the unpredictable risks of renewable energy under the renewable portfolio standards (RPS) and researching their effects on the optimal decision-making of trans-provincial electricity market multi-subjects. First, we develop a trans-provincial trading market mechanism for renewable energy and clarify the electricity supply and demand relation and the green certificates supply and demand relation of trans-provincial electricity market multi-subjects. Then, under the

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  • Open Access


    Optimal Trading Decision-Making of Power Supply Chain under Renewable Portfolio Standards

    Hui Wang, Haocheng Xu*, Wenhui Zhao

    Energy Engineering, Vol.118, No.5, pp. 1375-1394, 2021, DOI:10.32604/EE.2021.014641 - 16 July 2021

    Abstract Under the background of implementing renewable portfolio standards and the ever-improving tradable green certificate scheme, the increasingly environmentally-friendly preference of power users is leading to changes in electricity demand, which, in turn, is driving changes in the decision-making behaviors of various actors in the power supply chain. Based on this, with the goal of pursuing maximum profit, consumer-power-demand functions have been introduced with some consideration of the factors of consumer preference to establish an optimal profit model for each trading subject in non-cooperative states of the power supply chain, under the constraints of meeting renewable More >

  • Open Access


    Behaviours of Multi-Stakeholders under China’s Renewable Portfolio Standards: A Game Theory-Based Analysis

    Bing Wang1,2, Kailei Deng1, Liting He1, Zhenming Sun1,*

    Energy Engineering, Vol.118, No.5, pp. 1333-1351, 2021, DOI:10.32604/EE.2021.014258 - 16 July 2021

    Abstract China has implemented both quantitative and policy incentives for renewable energy development since 2019 and is currently in the policy transition stage. The implementation of renewable portfolio standards (RPSs) is difficult due to the interests of multiple stakeholders, including power generation enterprises, power grid companies, power users, local governments, and the central government. Based on China’s RPS policy and power system reform documents, this research sorted out the core game decision problems of China’s renewable energy industry and established a conceptual game decision model of the renewable energy industry from the perspective of local governments,… More >

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