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  • Open Access


    Experimental Exclusion of Guanaco Grazing Increases Cover, Diversity, Land Function and Plant Recruitment in Patagonia

    Carla Cepeda1,*, Gabriel Oliva1,2, Daniela Ferrante1,2

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.93, No.7, pp. 1383-1401, 2024, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2024.052534

    Abstract Semiarid Patagonia represents 25% of the rangeland area in Argentina, and sheep overgrazing has degraded about a third of it in the past. In this century, depleted domestic stocks have mostly stabilized, but Guanaco populations have grown. These native camelids share habitat and diets with sheep, but their effect on vegetation is poorly understood and has long been debated. We set up an exclusion experiment in Monte León and Cañadón Vaca, a semiarid shrubland grassland in southern Patagonia, currently grazed only by guanacos. Vegetation baselines were studied in 2016 in twelve plots, and half of… More >

  • Open Access


    Ecosystem Services of Grazed Grasslands in the Flooding Pampa

    Elizabeth J. Jacobo1,#,*, Adriana M. Rodríguez2,#

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.93, No.6, pp. 1179-1202, 2024, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2024.050928

    Abstract The Flooding Pampa grasslands are the last remnant of the Rio de la Plata grasslands in Argentina. Anthropogenic interventions have led to severe degradation and, as a result, the ecosystem services provided by the grasslands are declining, in terms of provisioning, regulating, and supporting services. We synthesized the existing literature on the ecosystem goods and services provided by these grasslands under grazing in different conditions and conservation status. We found that plant and animal diversity and primary production are the most studied ecosystem services, while climate regulation, water supply, nutrient cycling, meat production and erosion… More >

  • Open Access


    Root traits and arbuscular mycorrhiza on perennial grasses exposed to defoliation after a controlled burning

    Ithurrart LS1,2, CA Busso1,2, YA Torres1,3, DV Peláez1,2,3, H Giorgetti4, G Rodríguez4, ML Ambrosino2,5

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.87, pp. 51-59, 2018, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2018.87.051

    Abstract Plant competition for soil resources is common in semiarid rangelands. Plants have various, alternative mechanisms to deal with soil resource acquisition. They include (1) length, weight and proliferation of roots, (2) root length density, and (3) root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhiza. In rangelands of Argentina, plants are exposed to herbivory after natural fires. As a result, knowledge on how these disturbances impact root traits is important for outlining guidelines focused on rangeland management and improvement. Our aim was to analyze the effects of defoliation after a controlled burning on root traits (1) to (3) on… More >

  • Open Access


    Effects of grazing on plant species diversity and carbon partitioning in semiarid rangelands of northeastern China

    Hu FL1,2, B Liu1,3, ZM Liu1,3, YT Fang1,3, CA Busso4

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.84, No.1, pp. 209-221, 2015, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2015.84.209

    Abstract Grasslands are one of the most widespread landscapes worldwide, covering approximately one-fifth of the world’s land surface, where grazing is a common practice. How carbon storage responds to grazing in steppes remains poorly understood. We quantified the effects of grazing on community composition and species diversity, and carbon storage in two typical grasslands of northeastern China, one in Horqin and the other one in Hulunbeier. In both grasslands, grazing did not influence plant species diversity. However, it substantially decreased aboveground carbon by 31% and 54% in Horqin and Hulunbeier, respectively. Fenced and grazing treatments showed More >

  • Open Access


    Influence of woody species on aerial growth of perennial grasses in semi-arid rangelands of central Argentina

    Blazquez FR1,2,3, DV Peláez1,3,4, RJ Andrioli1, OR Elia1,2,3

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.83, pp. 397-405, 2014, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2014.83.397

    Abstract The interaction between woody and grass species in semi-arid rangelands of central Argentina was assessed through the evaluation of the impact of woody species on grass growth over a 2-y period. The study comprised two morpho-physiologically different woody species and two cool-season perennial grass species highly preferred by domestic livestock. The study involved the assessment of total green length (TGL) and number of green leaves (NGL) per tiller in grasses growing beneath the canopy of woody species and in open rangeland areas. Soil temperature, pH and water, nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter content were estimated… More >

  • Open Access


    Characterization of associated environments to natural populations of Pavonia cymbalaria (Malvaceae) in rangelands of Sierra de la Ventana (Buenos Aires)

    Torres1 YA, MA Long2, SM Zalba1

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.77, pp. 225-240, 2008, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2008.77.225

    Abstract The objective of this work is to contribute to the biology of Pavonia cymbalaria A. St. Hil & Naudin (Malvaceae), a native species of the Southern mountains of Buenos Aires Province. This knowledge will contribute to (1) promote its use as an ornamental species, (2) its conservation and (3) stimulate the interest and public valuation of mountain systems biodiversity. Seven populations of P. cymbalaria were selected. Two of them were growing under Pinus halepensis forests to characterize different environments were the herbaceous species is growing in the wild. Environmental characteristics immediately associated to six individuals of the species More >

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